Let me tell you my story...

Jennilyn Carzo Takaya

 My name Is Jennilyn Carzo Takaya, 26 years of age, a Filipino citizen who lived in Kurashiki-shi Okayama Pref,Japan. married to japanese citizen and have a 3 year old son.

 Let me tell you my story...I'm a domestic violence of my own husband. It happened last summer year of 2008.I caught my husband one night together withhis woman in a parking lot. he hit me many times.. and it really hurts so badly.. After that encountered, I leave the house took my son with me..I called a friend and she helped me to go to the police station to report what happened that night. After that we went to the hospital to get medical examination.. In the hospital I met this generous nurse who helped me to contact this VSCO VOLUNTEERS. I didn't wasted my time.. the other day me and my boss went to this VSCO.. But not only advise I've got...

 They introduce Atty. TAKAHARA who helped me to win this case.. He stand as my official lawyer. Atty. TAKAHARA was a specialist to this kind of case (Divorce and child custody). He is a strict lawyer, but a kind intelligent and energetic person who in willing to help those people specially who are abused.

 First it's hard for me to win this case, It takes a lot of time and discrimination.

 Also I was very thankful to meet this kind of people.. the VSCO VOLUNTEERS.

 They helped me to move on although sometimes I felt of loosing hope and felt of giving up.. They find me and my son a better home to lived on.. ab syooirted ne all through out to make e decision of my own.

 for the VSCO VOLUNTEERS who are very helpful... I just want to add Keep up the Good Work... don't ever hesitate in helping piople who are in need... and since this case is over, I want to thank Atty. TAKAHARA, my friends the VSCO VOLUNTEERS who helped me to wib this battle... Iwill be forever thankful to all of you.. you helped me a lot a luxurious one but a healthy and God Fearing evvironment...

 Again I want to thank all of you.. i will never forget all the good things that you've done.... i will forever be grateful to all of you...

 "The feeling of hopefulness sometimes comes from someone helping us.Think back to a time when you had lost hope. Many times we regained our optimism because someone gabe us a helping hand,"

 私は高谷・カナゾ・ジェニリン、26歳、岡山県倉敷市在住のフィリピン人です。 日本人と結婚して3歳の息子がいます。


 2008年の夏のことです。ある目の夜、私はある駐車場で夫が愛人と一緒にいるのを見かけてしまいました。その時夫は私を何回も殴りました。それはほんとにひどいものでした。このことがあった後、私は息子を連れて家を出ました。友人に連絡すると、彼女は警察署に一緒に行ってくれ、その夜の出来事を届けました。その後、私たちは病院に行き、受診しました。その病院で、親切な看護師さんに出会い、彼女がVSCOに連絡するように助言してくれました。私は急いだ方がいいと思いました。その後、私は職場の上司とVSCOに行きました。そして、アドバイスだけではなく、得るものがありました。 VSCOでは私のことを支援してくれる弁護士を紹介されました。彼は私の担当弁護士になってくれました。離婚や親権等の精通弁護士でした。彼は厳しい人ですが、親切で聡明で、特に虐待された人たちを精力的に支援している弁護士です。 最初は私には勝ち目はなく、すごく時間も労力もかかるのではないかと思っていました。なぜなら、私は日本人ではないし、差別もいろいろあったからです。






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